Understanding Belgian health insurance 

Are you planning to move to Belgium and work as an expat? Of course, there are a few important things to take into account. As experts, we will tell you everything you need to know about hospitalization insurance. So you (and your family) are 100% protected and you will have a carefree stay here.

The Healthcare system in Belgium, how does it work?

If you work in Belgium, you pay social security contributions every quarter. By doing so, you are in order with your social security and get social rights. These rights comprise that your basic health care costs are reimbursed. This is statutory health insurance. Your employer pays this contribution to the government. 

To enjoy these benefits, you must enroll in a health insurance fund. There are a number of them in Belgium, you are free to choose one that suits you best. The health insurance fund will then reimburse your medical care and medicines on the basis of documents and prescriptions from your doctor. This may be total or partial but it is different in each case. 

Very important to know is that everyone who lives and works in Belgium, has access to the health care system. However, provided that he has completed the mandatory registrations and has health insurance. 

Additional health insurance

First, supplemental health insurance is not mandatory, but we highly recommend it. This insurance is for risks that social security does not cover. For example, for glasses, lenses, more physical therapy than the basic package, dental costs and much more. Copper will help you find the supplementary insurance that is most beneficial to you.

What if your employer already provides hospitalization insurance?

Your employer is not obliged to offer hospitalization insurance to its employees. If it is indeed provided, it is an extra-legal benefit. Very convenient because then you don’t have to arrange it yourself. As long as you have an employment contract, you remain fully insured. What if you don’t get this benefit? Don’t worry because Copper will help you find the best insurance that protects you and your family the way you feel secure.

Your medical needs are safe here

So expat, are you ready to come to Belgium? We are happy to welcome you with open arms. Rest assured, you are in safe hands as far as your medical needs are concerned. Belgium is home to the most reputable and reliable healthcare systems in Europe. Copper will support you 100% in finding the insurance that suits you best.

Article by https://copper.be/nl